torsdag den 5. september 2013


Rigth now I am listening to my number 1 favorite singer, Queen B, Beyonce. I love Beyonce in every way. And I am also drawing.. I need to be better at drawing and gain a greater understanding for pattern. Before, at my old school i haaaaaated to draw because I suck at it, but now I decided to only draw things that I like and think is beautiful, then it hopefully will be more funny (it already is). I started to draw a beautiful girl with big lips and eyes, afterwards a black panther and now I am looking for fashion drawings which I can print and try to draw.

Inspiring fashion drawings. I think I want to print the last ones and put into a frame, they are so beautiful and feminim as well.. 

I've learned different ways to draw at my old school; 
Don't look at the paper while you are drawing
Draw on time fx: 30 sek, 3 min. 30 min. and so on
Close your eyes
Use baking paper and put over something you want to draw, and draw on that
Use different thing for drawing: litter, fat color, chalk, a pencil and so on
.. And then I hopefully discover more exiting ways.


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